Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day Two: B-U-F-F-A-L-O

Nice, very nice...to pick up old vintage the Smiths and some other lovely tunes. Played to a two hands full of people, but not before we first visited the Niagara Falls....lovelier in person....than in computer pictures life.

People of Buffalo, very supportive, provided us with much needed information for a second follow up show sometime next year. Dali's Ghost, lovelier in person than in myspace life....thanks for having us. It was great...but the night was not over until some drinks were had and gear brought back into to the hotel room.

Tommorrow, we set out back home to NYC. Alot was realized in this micro-tour....most importantly assured us to keep pushing on...this little dream...this little fantasy...that we call music.


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